Saturday, February 10, 2007

"Romeo oh Romeo, where art thou":):):)

As most people know I am engaged, u know; committed, spoken for, hooked, betrothed :):):) *ok, can’t help it, was so bored today that I read the thesaurus*

Anyways my fiancé C just got this super e-mail from his old friend..advising him on romance.
So, C sent me this part of the mail cause he thought I would find it hilarious and well, I did n' just had to post it....

"So how is ur post engagement romance? This is the best time so make the best use and be the Romeo. You will never get this opportunity later. Please feel free for any advice. I have had almost 8 months of being the Romeo"

Ok, ok, was pretty sweet of him to send advice but it is funny right:):)....I can just imagine C taking his, should be super fun and absolutely howlarious:):):)

Now this penguin is a romeo:):):)
(cartoon taken from this super site, do check it out-Randy Glasbergen)


temporary insanity said...

:):) i can just imagine C being the romeo!!!! ROTWLOL

Anonymous said...

Just reacting to temporary insanity's comment above. Must say you have a real good imagination:):)....... No disrespect meant:)

temporary insanity said...

oh C, u have no idea to what extent my imagination can go...;)it's actually very imaginative, wild and.....:)

Unknown said...

I hope C never tells his friend that his fiancee is a blogger :)
I say even marriage is equally romantic. Soemtimes (during the engmt period) it can get boring that you should stop being romantic by 7 in the evening because your girl needs to be back home by 8 else her appa will come at you with a gun ;)

accidental diva said...

@Temporary Insanity----hey think C already knows how wild ur imagination is:):)

@Siri----lol...thats so hilarious:):)..must say I dont have this problem as C stays too far away for papa to try anything:):)

phatichar said...

happy feet :)

Anonymous said...

lol :) :) this is so cute!!